Capybara: Testing for time to be present and visible on the page
I was trying to write a test for a feature where it checks that a<li>
item displays the time the item was created in the database, and ran into an issue as I don’t expect to use a lot of stubbing while writing capybara tests.
The issue here was that I create a new item in the test database, which gets saved with a certain timestamp, which I then display on the page. However, the item is created dynamically using
making it harder to test.
I tried stubbing this method using something like
allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(<a_specific_time>)
…which failed spectacularly (it caused capybara to get stuck on the post request page when the form on the page was submitted).
Attempt 1: Using regular expressions
I ended up with a test that used regular expression:
scenario 'a user can see the time the list item was made' do visit('/') fill_in('text_field', with: 'Lorem Ipsum') click_button('Post') expect(current_path).to eq('/') expect(first('.classname')).to have_text(/\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/)end
What this ^ test is testing for is that a time is displayed in the form of XX:XX:XX
where X = any number
. This works, however is very brittle as a small change can cause this test to fail, and having to rewrite it.
Attempt 2: Checking for the presence of the specific item
This is what I ended up with:
scenario 'a user can see the time the list item was made' do visit('/') fill_in('text_field', with: 'Lorem Ipsum') click_button('Post') expect(current_path).to eq('/') page.find('#item_id', :visible => true)end
Here, I’m testing if that specific item gets rendered and is displayed.
Foiled attempt worth mentioning in case it is useful to someone else
I also tried using the Timecop Gem to stub time, however this didn’t work for me in this instance.
If you have a better way of testing for this situation, please leave a comment! I created this post as I couldn’t find many SO threads dealing with this.
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